the goth girls sang me lullabies
as i drifted off to sleep
they came to me from the shadows
and scraped their sharpened nails
black and crimson knives
across my skin
but i had no fear
there was no fear to be had
only the release of succumbing
to the me i’ve always been
the goth girls sang me lullabies
as i drifted off to sleep
their voices steeped in treacle
and the chill of humus
with a hint of cherry lip gloss
the song of angels dancing in harmony
the song of demons dangling in effigy
the song of tears and patience and
another night of longing
the goth girls sang me lullabies
as i drifted off to sleep
i let their honeyed voices
swirl around me
embracing my enchantment
until i could no longer feel the edges
between them and me
between life and death
between dream and reality
the goth girls sang me lullabies
as i drifted off to sleep
my body covered with pinpricks
from their talons and their fangs
and the memories of who i’d been
Clio 03.02.25