My first experience with an audiobook was in elementary school. I had been labeled EI–Emotionally Impaired–in Third Grade. This was, according to the documentation, because I had thrown a dictionary at another student. I don’t remember that specific incident, but I do remember throwing a desk at the teacher. This was the teacher that went…
Category: Diary
1/8/23: Platonic limerence
The first time I was exposed to the word “limerence”, some decades ago, it didn’t really register. It felt like a fancy, dismissive word for “New Relationship Energy”, and though the two concepts are tangential, they’re not the same. Today I ran across it being used in a (potentially) Platonic sense, in terms specific to…
1/4/22: Hyperlexia
I recently learned the word “hyperlexia”, which is “when a child starts reading early and surprisingly beyond their expected ability.” The second type of hyperlexia is highly associated with autism; while only about 10% of Autistics are hyperlexic, about six out of seven Hyperlexics are autistic. (Source: WebMD) At 54, it’s hard to definitively diagnose…
I’m cleaning out the files in Notepad++, and I found this snippet: “Just write,” the dream told me. There was no body, just a voice. “Poetry. Fiction. Essays. Total garbage. Write every day. That’s what make you happy: You’re a writer. Write.” Yep. Just, yep.
12/17/22: Funk Texting
I funk text people. It’s like drunk texting, but I’m sober. And I don’t do it nearly as much as I used to, but I still do it. The thing is, I struggle with maintaining relationships. I’m not particularly fond of small talk, so I’m even less fond of small talk texting: “How was your…
11/25/22: Dreams
Last night I had two dreams interleaved. “Interwoven” isn’t the right word because, at the end, the dreams were never attached to each other and didn’t seem to have anything in common, but it felt like I was having them at the same time. (Given the nature of dreams and memory, it’s possible that it’s…
I haven’t been here in a few months. I got COVID in September and that took a lot of my inertia away, and since then I’ve just not been in the habit. This isn’t the longest gap in the blog, but still, it’s been a while. I had two things I wanted to post about:…
When I was a child, my mother suggested I keep a diary. I told her that boys don’t keep diaries, they keep journals. Or maybe I constructed that memory. Maybe I mentioned to some friends that I was keeping a diary, and they laughed at it until I started calling it a journal. Memory is…
8/24/22 addendum
I was not fully trained until I was a tween. I have a lot of shameful memories involving my encopresis. It was only recently that I learned that it could well have been associated with my autism, specifically with a weaker interoceptive system. A lot of fancy words to say: I pooped my pants a…
Last week I had a long conversation with my brothers about our childhood, and immediately my brain slipped back into the toxic cycles that it had already been headed towards. I am now coming out of that iteration with fresh perspectives. First, addiction: I come from a context of addiction, and though I have generally…