the name you gave me is a tattoo on my soul. and i know you went to the studio, thumbed through the book, debated and discussed, argued amongst yourselves: torn between the unicorn with the rose and the steampunk mermaid. i know this tattoo on my soul honors a beloved aunt that died before i…
Category: Poetry
symbiotic haze
was it you who dreamed of me this time? we were trapped in a symbiotic haze our semiotic ways stretched out like fingertips to fill the gap between us was it you, indeed? because i remember the details of our shared moments so clearly: i want to own these moments, to coddle them, to watch…
beneath the rage there is beauty
behind the rage there is beauty the fires that burn bright hide the quiet of the afterdawn that settles into the crevices between the then and the to be and in that quiet, a gentle voice wonders: was it always this hard to sleep? were the dreams always this complex? whatever happened to the innocence…
my masc is a mask
my masc is a mask that protects the little girl inside with pointed spines and puts her in a cage inside his beating heart “I never meant to be like this,” he says in quiet tones, “I only meant to keep her safe from the harsh realities of life, but somehow, as days went by,…
I will do my best to be kind to you.
I will do my best to be kind to you. It’s hard, sometimes. I am so used to people wanting to hurt me. I am so used to people wanting to be cruel to others. It is so hard to see that cruelty and say, I will do my best to be kind to you….
i am
i am devoured i am exhausted i am denied that which i have been i am relegated to the edges i am devoted i protect my charge and when she whispers i elevate her voice until it shimmers and shatters and tears itself asunder i am legion i am nothing i am left to scrape…
the name that i have been given
the name that i have been given speaks to a child that doesn’t understand the cruelty of the world as if it is a given as if that is how the world must be as if the child is the one that is broken because they cannot understand you might say it in the space of a heartbeat…
i have a poem
i have a poem sitting on my tongue like the eucharist and it melts into my skin even as i try to expel it i want to let these tears go but they stick to my cheeks like icicles that crack with my forced smile these words used to matter but they’ve folded into themselves…
i am a gnat and one day i will die crushed by a wiper on a windshield of an indifferent car no eulogy no funeral just a snear for a gravesite as a reminder that i was here ptkh 052220
white paint
i covered my canvas with seventeen layers of white paint, one for each time i lost my purity like a picture of Dorian Gray, in reverse, a testament to my slow corruption into adulthood some dreams are shattered all at once, some are left intact, but mine were stripped from me, like seventeen layers of…