today’s the day i’ll wake upfeeling comfortable in my own skini’ll look in the mirror and see myself for who i amnot a freaknot an insecure messbut a person proud of their own identity today’s the day i’ll put on a skirt and a blouseand i’ll polish my nails and braid my hairand feel freedomand…
Category: Poetry
the screen disappeared
miss the phone and miss the starwaiting by the balcony this week seems anxious:any hint of something coming up outside? only for a minute carefully he had to seethrough the worst:everything means nothing and “i can’t be a madman asleep.” (Found on page 45 of “The Last Tycoon”) Clio 11.04.21
The Worst Poems
the worst poemis the poem left unwrittenheld so close to the chest that it suffocatesbefore it can whisper its truth the second worst poemis written from complianceits voice restricted by the demandsof someone else’s rules poems are butterfliespoems are demonspoems are the soul reaching outscreamingcooingdemandingrequestingexisting do not kill the butterfliesdo not silence the demonslet them…
The Cycle Must Be Broken
i am from a long line of oppressors who built this countrywith bricks and glass carved (but not by themselves)from the mountains and the seasides of a stolen land i am from a suffocating fear of god not from fire and brimstonebut from the quiet and righteous disdain of “we’re better than you are” i…
Your Portrait
i painted your portraitin words on paper,in measured beatsdrawn taut acrossa bland white canvas it didn’t look like you:you cannot be held so easilyin words;the flesh of treesdenies your complexity and so, resigned,i colored in the edgesi connected the lettersi scratched away the details and when i leaned back and squintedi realized the face i…
you didn’t care when i was merely sad you only cared when i was holding the gun and you didn’t know who i was planning to shoot Clio 09.21.21
speak words of kindness
speak words of kindness to yourselfyour heart will hear youyour heart will heal you the child inside your mindhas been hidingfrom the shouting and the shaming they don’t want to be scaredthey don’t want to be scarredthey want to feel the warmth of love they’re the one you’re scoldingwhen you’re scolding yourselfand they burrow in…
Protected: Bananas
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
coffee smells likemy father’s church:stale and detached andemotionally out of reach coffee burns my nostrilswith the memory of abandonmentof another late nightat workbecause he can’t stand her eitherhe can’t be around her eithershe crushes his souland reminds him that he failed as a partneras a parentas a protectoras a provider so he hides at workwhere…
Unwrapped Candy
on the coffee table in my grandmother’s house in a depression era green glass bowl on a doily that was handcrafted by my great great aunt: there was a mass of unwrapped peppermints the pillowy kind half crunchy half chewy which had been there long enough that they had grown together inseparable covered with a…