there’s an outfit i keep in my closet it doesn’t fit me anymorebut it’s what other people expect me to wear i slip it on when i need toand i try to keep it clean not pristine and pressed, mind you:it has to be rumpled enough so that it looks like i still like to…
Category: Poetry
her heart was a parabola her love spun outin tangentsthat spread like ley linesacross her history each line was a dreameach line was a memorygolden kintsugithat traced her pastinto her future her heart was a parabola and although she could not findits vertexand although she did not knowits slopeshe knew her turn had come but…
Annabelle Jane
There once was a lass named Annabelle JaneWho stood on the deck in the pouring rainAnd when the rain had stopped its fellYou could see her skirt did swell Oh yes, what a lassAnnabelle Jane rode the watercraftOh yes, what a lassBut she hid a secret shaft Commentary: A fellow trans person commented that there…
My soul collapsesand I can’t breatheso you hold my head underwateruntil I can swim (written some time in 2022)
Bird, You Can Fly
i keep my wings clippedso that i cannot fly away i keep a hand over my mouthso that my words can’t be heard i keep a shadow in my brainto suffocate my thoughts and who has wrought these chainsthat keep me in my place? this is fear: that i will try and failand so i…
my dreams cower
my dreams cower at the edges of my waking mindhaving rudely stormed my brain for another night i try to catch a glimpse of one, or another,shiniing my flashlight in the corner of the roombut they recoil and slither and shimmy maybe the light will bounce off one as it dodges awaybut all i see…
i’m masking
i’m maskingi’m asking youto help me quietthe voices inside my headthat tell methat i can’t this fearthis spherearound meis a poisonous cocoonits safety comesat the costof slow suffocation a part aparthas come togetherto gatherthe pieces of my selfand leave me pronealonefragileisolatedabandoned until there is no more youto pull me out ofthis suffocating fear 03.22.22
later that night,after the moon had hidden behind the clouds,i found myself on the sidewalkoutside your house i picked up a small rockand thought about throwing itagainst your windowto wake you up but i was afraid i would breakthe glass so instead i held the pebble in my handand thought of you 01.09.22
You Can’t Repair What Was Never Broken
you told me i was brokenbecause i didn’t actthe way you wantedand i didn’t thinkthe way you wantedand i believed you i told myself to follow the rulesto color within the linesto keep the voices insideinsidewhere other people couldn’t hear them so people wouldn’t think i was brokenbecause i didn’t actthe way they wantedand i…
Don’t Talk To Me
Don’t talk to me. Talking is too easy.Mouths flowing with empty words:How are you?The weather turned cold.Do you have any plans this weekend?What do you do for a living? You don’t really care what I say.These are just mortar to fill the empty spacesso the silence doesn’t strangle us. How are you?If I answer honestlywhen…