the goth girls sang me lullabiesas i drifted off to sleep they came to me from the shadowsand scraped their sharpened nailsblack and crimson knivesacross my skin but i had no fearthere was no fear to be hadonly the release of succumbingto the me i’ve always been the goth girls sang me lullabiesas i drifted…
Category: Poetry
the word
it starts with a wordwhispered into the darkness it starts with a sparkas stone strikes stone it starts with the strokeof an angel’s wing and from there it tricklesinto colorinto lifespreading outlike vines and tendrilsand harlequin wispsinto wavesinto gustsinto flamesthat burn throughthe shadowsand light the corners what had been quietbecomes an exultation what had been…
I used to be so organizedAnd then I told me noAnd put me in a little boxAnd wouldn’t let me go 01.16.25
i have an idea:i’ll sell the bits of my brainthat contain all the unwritten wordsand let you sort them outit’ll save me the time of typingand realizing thatthe words on the pagedon’t shinequite so brightlyas the images in my head 11.26.24
convince me to breathe
i didn’t used to need you to convince me to breatheit used to come naturally:inhale, exhaleinhale, exhalebut then the weight of moments stacked upone on top of anotherand my lungs became afraidafraid they would seize up at just the wrong momentafraid they would disrupt the natural orderthe natural flowthe way things are supposed to bethe…
in the shopping mall
The man with the greasy hairwondersas he tries on the shoeif this is the way life issupposed to be. The woman with the overloaded bagsthinksas she looks at the Star(at Woolworth’s)that there were a few too manyUFOsto be so few. And the lights turn onand the gates are raisedand the gates are droppedand the lights…
libraries sound like bookswhispering to each otherbeneath the rolling murmurof the air conditioning libraries are too brightfor the books to sleepand so they chatterrestlesslyof memories and futuresand worlds unseen dim the lights,turn off the fans,and let those poor booksrest 08.27.24
it’s oh so quiet
there are time when the world is quiet enoughbut there are times when it isn’tthe swell creeps up slowlywhile i’m not paying attentionwhile i’m otherwise occupiedwhile i’m thinking that the world is quiet enoughbut then it’s screamingand i’m screaming so loudlythat i can’t hear myself thinkthat everything is so loudand bright and janglyand all the…
okay, so
okay, so i just wanted to let you know that i hope it’s okay for me to have even thought about saying what i was thinking about saying if it isn’t, please let me know (although i feel like you won’t) (i feel like your lack of saying anything is because you’re so offended that…
in that order
in the morningas i leave for work:i start the car,back out of the garage,close the garage door,and put on my seat belt in that order i’m annoyed by the nagging chimereminding me to put on my seatbeltbut it’s part of the routine if i don’t hear it,i will wonder(halfway to work)if i left the garage…