we are minefields walk daintily around the ruts you find each day, we lay out more and bury them just under the surface of the loam we are minefields stretched out across the barren landscape beneath a killing moon asleep, still sleeping, beneath a killing moon — ptkh 06.12.10
Author: Clio
It’s the little things…
Doing some code clean-up on Battleships this morning, I was reminded of a detail of C# logic precedence that I’ve used to my benefit elsewhere (including within the program), but which caused a brief hiccup in one instance. Specifically, while the logical and and or operators are transitive, that’s not strictly true of && and…
Programmatically adding XAML elements in C#
I had originally hard-coded the grid in my Battleships program. This resulted in very repetitive code, since there were 100 cells that contained the same basic information, but I didn’t want to get too bogged down in UI programming matters until I was satisfied with the program overall. Since I was happy with the Battleships…
Including external files in a C# ClickOnce deployment
The first version of my Battleships program is done. I’ll be releasing it into the wild today or tomorrow. One hurdle I stumbled over was on how to include XML files as external files in the ClickOnce deployment. My normally strong GoogleFu is weak on matters of C#; I’m not sure if that’s due to…
Battleships in C#
My current C# project is to create a Battleships program that would allow easy input of grids and on-screen solving. I find myself strongly preferring online solving of this sort of puzzle to doing it on paper. Conceptis has an online solver, but I wanted to also be able to solve the puzzles in Games…
Rubik’s 5x5x5 (Professor) and TouchCube
I’m old enough to have been around during the first release of the Rubik’s Cube, back in the 1970s. I was something of an aficionado at the time, owning a Rubik’s Cube, the 4x4x4 Rubik’s Revenge, and a drawerful of other Rubik inventions and inspirations. Eventually, I moved on to other interests, and the drawer…
coffee stains
Would that it were that easy to retain for a moment in the mind the sensation of a whisper percolations and perambulations roll around inside the divining and we are left, a moment too late, without and without — ptkh, 06/03/10
A caveat: Being deliberate is not the same as being meaningful. I sketched the figure of your face in the sand to remind me of something I’ve since forgotten. I took a photograph although your visage is hard to see in the print, because of the angle of the sun and how fragile the negative…
my soul was rent asunder by a jigsaw of ice and fire that tore my flesh i was left jagged and alone drowning in the gore of indolence i gathered myself into a burlap sack in justification of nothing and scattered my ashes into the winds — ptkh 04.30.10
Moments #2
Out beyond the fields behind the elementary school, there were seasonally transitory ponds that attracted various wildlife, such as ducks and frogs. This is where the fanged ones lived. We never went out there; the farthest we’d go was the edge of the ball diamond, where the adults would put up markers to let us…