I have long been of the opinion that ratios and fractions are effectively the same thing, but I’ve recently changed that belief. A ratio is a relationship between two values that states the relative size. These can generally be expressed in fractional form, but they need not be. How much sense the units make depends…
Author: Clio
Autism Acceptance Month
April is Autism Acceptance Month. Because our understanding of Autism is rapidly evolving, so too is the language we use. In this article, I’ll discuss current best practices for language and address some of the common misunderstandings around Autism. Autism is a neurological status (“neurotype”) characterized by differences from Neurotypical brains. To qualify for a…
it’s oh so quiet
there are time when the world is quiet enoughbut there are times when it isn’tthe swell creeps up slowlywhile i’m not paying attentionwhile i’m otherwise occupiedwhile i’m thinking that the world is quiet enoughbut then it’s screamingand i’m screaming so loudlythat i can’t hear myself thinkthat everything is so loudand bright and janglyand all the…
okay, so
okay, so i just wanted to let you know that i hope it’s okay for me to have even thought about saying what i was thinking about saying if it isn’t, please let me know (although i feel like you won’t) (i feel like your lack of saying anything is because you’re so offended that…
in that order
in the morningas i leave for work:i start the car,back out of the garage,close the garage door,and put on my seat belt in that order i’m annoyed by the nagging chimereminding me to put on my seatbeltbut it’s part of the routine if i don’t hear it,i will wonder(halfway to work)if i left the garage…
once upon a time
back in the dayswhen i was an alien(before i’d crawled into the fleshthat now calls itself me): i was free to soaramong the stars this is the freedomi seek to find againhidden deep in the labyrinthof my soul inside the husk of humanityi pretend to inhabitthere is a mei used to beuntil i decided it…
monsters and jigsaws
sixth grade: i hid my monstersin the closetat the back of the trailerthat was our classroom it had once been a bathroom,when the trailer had once been a home,but now it was a storage areafilled with stacks of papersand booksand the sort of office suppliesthat only teachers kept i was wedged in that closethiding from…
Sarcophagus / Cocoon
the woman who was the motherto the son i used to beis now a shellfilled with venom and bile her ancient skin is a sarcophagusmine is a cocoonhousing a frightened butterfly and i cannot stay mooredto her millstonefor i am to take flightand fly away 03.30.24
Are You With Me? (Diary 3/29)
Last night we went to see Cowboy Mouth at The Magic Bag in Ferndale. It inspired a lot of thoughts in my head. Cowboy Mouth is about letting anxiety go and just having fun. That’s not really how my brain works, but it’s a solid message. I know I cling too much to things. That’s…
On the “cis” controversy
In my parent’s generation, being left-handed was seen as wrong and actively suppressed. Even as a child, I was often looked at skeptically. I was a “Southpaw”, a term I can now go years without hearing. As a teacher, some of my immigrant students have looked askance at me, but other than that, it’s just…