her heart was a parabola her love spun outin tangentsthat spread like ley linesacross her history each line was a dreameach line was a memorygolden kintsugithat traced her pastinto her future her heart was a parabola and although she could not findits vertexand although she did not knowits slopeshe knew her turn had come but…
Author: Clio
Transgender status, Christianity, and Students
Once in a while, I see a social media comment that gives me pause, a moment of reflection that helps me understand “the other side”. In this case, in response to a call to eradicate “transgenderism”, I saw this from Twitter user NiocoleeO: “Imagine this. A teacher speaks to your child about Jesus. Your child…
02/22/23 Some Random Thoughts on Autism
I’ve got a bunch of stuff rattling around in my brain right now, and I keep thinking that maybe at some point they’ll behave themselves and come out in a coherent line, but this will be somewhat stream of consciousness, and that’s okay. This morning, which is a snow day from work, I was watching…
On “They’re Just Faking It”
Imagine that people didn’t believe in blindness. That being unable to see was perceived to be a matter of defiance or laziness. Seeking excuses. Being stubborn. “Everybody’s a little blind, when you think about it.” “How do you know you’re really blind?” “So many kids these days are acting blind to get attention.” In this…
Pronouns and Paper Cuts
Part 1 It’s not about the pronouns. The pronouns themselves aren’t that important, which is why the pronouns are so very important. When you use masculine pronouns for me, you’re saying, “I see you as a man. It doesn’t matter how much you object, it doesn’t matter how much you don’t want to play the…
Gender-Inclusive Information
This is a list of my information and writings on Gender-Inclusive Language. Trans-Friendly Pronouns: An infographic Degendering your Language: An infographic List of essays on being non-binary and respecting non-binary students A Guide to Gender-Inclusive Language (8.5 x 11)
1/29/23 Audiobooks
My first experience with an audiobook was in elementary school. I had been labeled EI–Emotionally Impaired–in Third Grade. This was, according to the documentation, because I had thrown a dictionary at another student. I don’t remember that specific incident, but I do remember throwing a desk at the teacher. This was the teacher that went…
Coloring Vertices
The other day, I came across this problem on Twitter: How many distinct ways are there to color the vertices of a cube, such that exactly four are one color and the other four are a second color? I played around a bit first. My first task was to list all the possible combinations, and…
Star Trek: The Last Bigotry
Last night I had a dream about a new Star Trek show under development. This morning, I was thinking about why people are bigoted against transgender people. Within a few minutes, I realized I was thinking about the same thing. Part 1: The Dream In my dream, NBC had originally developed a spin-off to Star…
1/8/23: Platonic limerence
The first time I was exposed to the word “limerence”, some decades ago, it didn’t really register. It felt like a fancy, dismissive word for “New Relationship Energy”, and though the two concepts are tangential, they’re not the same. Today I ran across it being used in a (potentially) Platonic sense, in terms specific to…