I’m cleaning out the files in Notepad++, and I found this snippet: “Just write,” the dream told me. There was no body, just a voice. “Poetry. Fiction. Essays. Total garbage. Write every day. That’s what make you happy: You’re a writer. Write.” Yep. Just, yep.
Author: Clio
Annabelle Jane
There once was a lass named Annabelle JaneWho stood on the deck in the pouring rainAnd when the rain had stopped its fellYou could see her skirt did swell Oh yes, what a lassAnnabelle Jane rode the watercraftOh yes, what a lassBut she hid a secret shaft Commentary: A fellow trans person commented that there…
My soul collapsesand I can’t breatheso you hold my head underwateruntil I can swim (written some time in 2022)
On AI Replacing Humans
I was thinking this morning about the dialogue around AI like ChatGPT making human writing completely irrelevant. In a few years, computers will be able to create text that is indistinguishable from human-created text; some would argue that they already can. I was also thinking about the dialogue around AI Art programs like Stable Diffusion,…
On “Aspie Supremacy”
A topic I’ve been seeing a lot recently in the Autism community is what is being derogatorily called “Aspie Supremacy”. This perspective suggests that autism is evolutionarily superior to allism in general and Neurotypicality specifically. It appears to be called “Aspie Supremacy” because it centers Autistics with low support needs (who have historically been called…
On Learned Helplessness
(These are initial thoughts as I process through this concept.) I was prompted to start thinking deeply about learned helplessness by this tweet and its follow-ups: https://twitter.com/heymrsbond/status/1603757493171232768 (Source: “What is Learned Helplessness?”, Medical News Today) At the same time, though, I recognized a lot of this in my own behavior, as well as the behavior…
12/17/22: Funk Texting
I funk text people. It’s like drunk texting, but I’m sober. And I don’t do it nearly as much as I used to, but I still do it. The thing is, I struggle with maintaining relationships. I’m not particularly fond of small talk, so I’m even less fond of small talk texting: “How was your…
11/25/22: Dreams
Last night I had two dreams interleaved. “Interwoven” isn’t the right word because, at the end, the dreams were never attached to each other and didn’t seem to have anything in common, but it felt like I was having them at the same time. (Given the nature of dreams and memory, it’s possible that it’s…
Is the Club Q shooter nonbinary? It doesn’t matter.
The person who allegedly killed five people at a gay bar the night before Trans Day of Remembrance has announced through their lawyers that they identify as nonbinary and use they/them pronouns. It would be easy to conclude that the alleged murderer is cynically trying to avoid Hate Crime laws by falsely claiming to be…
I haven’t been here in a few months. I got COVID in September and that took a lot of my inertia away, and since then I’ve just not been in the habit. This isn’t the longest gap in the blog, but still, it’s been a while. I had two things I wanted to post about:…