I’ve been spending the last few days updating and reorganizing my Math entries. Wherever possible, I replaced any missing images, and made a few clean-ups. On multiple times I was impressed with the depth and amount of work I put into an entry; on multiple times, I clucked at the mistakes and inanity of my…
Author: Clio
06.20.23 – Self-masking
Something I’ve struggled with in the past has come back yet again to roost: I’m masking from myself. I don’t know quite who I am because I’m not telling myself. I don’t trust myself not to out me to everyone else, and so I’m hiding a huge part of myself away and not letting me…
What is a Woman?
Matt Walsh wants to know. We are currently embroiled in a cultural war. Part of this focuses on a frankly disingenuous battle over the meaning of words. So I’ll talk about sandwiches. And porn. And dogs. And… Well, English has a lot of words, so this may take a while. You know what, I’ll talk…
New Host
I’ve changed hosts because my previous host had an increasing number of issues. Anyway, I’m hopefully back now, on a faster and more reliable host.
It’s Not “About the Children”
One claim I see often from the anti-trans bigot crowd (ABCs) is that they don’t like being forced to accept beliefs they don’t agree with. They claim to believe that you can’t “change your gender”, i.e., that you can’t be anything other than what the hospital decided by looking at your genitals. They claim to…
enough about me
but enough about melet’s talk about youlet’s talk about how you’ve shaped an image of me out of clay and mud and the pieces of last night’s dinner and a memory you had a long time ago about a person i’ve never even metlet’s talk about how once upon a time you were hurt by…
(I wrote this on my phone on 4/21, and transcribed it here on 4/29.) I can feel the friction when I write between the need for organization and the desire to scream whisper shout whimper stretch out big squeeze down small. Between the need for order and the demand for chaos and I don’t know…
hyperfixated infodump
the basic shape of the capital latin letter a has remained fairly unchanged since phoenicianfirst developed over three millennia agothe major change is that it was tipped overit is believed to have originally represented a ox’s headapparently greek scholars busied themselves with tipping over cowsin the fields the basic shape of the lower case latin…
at the end
at the end of the path,at the end of the road,i am not autistic,i am not transgender,i am not disabled,i am just me,the me i have always been,hidden deep within the cocoon of me 04.28.23
yeah, eff that noise
i’ve come to a conclusion about my mental healthbut i’ll get back to that prologue:when i was youngi remember people talking about autismas if it were pitiable, contagious, debilitating spoken of in hushed tonesdid you hear about margaret?her son is…the word is barely audible by the time i saw rain manthe concept had become cemented…