the goth girls sang me lullabiesas i drifted off to sleep they came to me from the shadowsand scraped their sharpened nailsblack and crimson knivesacross my skin but i had no fearthere was no fear to be hadonly the release of succumbingto the me i’ve always been the goth girls sang me lullabiesas i drifted…
Author: Clio
Dream: Rummage Sale and Train
This is me recording a dream so if you find those boring, scroll on, no problem. If you want to peek inside my brain, read on. (I am *not* looking for interpretation, though, so don’t do that; obvious parts are obvious, personal parts are personal.) It started as a promisingly boring dream: We (V, J,…
Gender on Passports
During this discussion of gender markers on passports, one question lingers in the background: Why do US Passports have gender markers in the first place? It makes sense that some legal documents would need a sex indicator, for medical purposes. There’s some argument to be had, although I find it questionable, that driver’s licenses and…
On Masking vs DID (from my own experiences only)
The other day I was talking to a student about DID and how it seems like people claiming to have DID seem really common in certain online communities, far more common than DID really is. That got me thinking about my own experience with masking and thinking I have DID. To be clear: I am…
Pat Answers
It’s time to revisit Pat. Recently, Julia Sweeney appeared on The View to discuss the 50th SNL anniversary, and one of the topics was about her character Pat. The intended joke for that character was that nobody knew Pat’s gender and they were trying to figure it out through gender stereotypes. Sweeney’s position appeared to…
On the Unreliability of Folk Etymologies
Two folk etymologies in less than an hour means I have to comment. Especially since they both involve dogs. Here’s the truth about the origin of most of our oft-repeated phrases: We don’t know. Because idioms are generally spoken long before they’re written down, at least in the pre-internet era, terms get mutated and decontextualized….
On Exclusiveness in Marginalized Communities
This screenshot was shared by Franchesca Ramsey on her Facebook account. This is related: Over on TikTok, there’s a transgender woman who commented that nonbinary people don’t have the same experiences as transgender people, and she’s been attacked for being a transmedicalist. Basically, transmedicalism* is the belief that you can’t be “truly” transgender unless you’ve…
You Down With SPD?
I believe one of the reasons for the “rise” in Autism is that the modern world is increasingly hostile to Autistics, especially those of us with sensory issues (which is one of the four “must have two of these” criteria). That was reinforced at yesterday’s PD. My school’s library is one of the worst places…
Keeping Up with the Cardassians
The Gulf of Mexico story is more insidious than it may superficially seem. In the aftermath of the 9/11/01 attack, the US government got annoyed enough with the French that it changed the name of julienned deep-fried potato sticks to “Freedom Fries”. This name change primarily affected the cafeterias in the Federal buildings, and was…
Common Sense: Religious Rights
This is Common Sense: Students should be allowed to practice their faith in school in a way that doesn’t disrupt others and isn’t belittled by the school. Which is the way things currently are. There is not a war on Christians or Christianity, and the only way that Christians are at all oppressed is if…