i did not dream so deeply as i did that night,
when beneath the cloudless sky,
the moon perched within the chill of air,
an ocean dotted with infinities of stars
sleep came ragged, but
the dreams washed over me
and pulled me deep into their undercurrent
dreams of my childhood,
drenched in clarity,
picked like fresh berries from the mulberry bush:
purple, succulent, sweet
dreams of adulthood,
willow trees weighed heavy
with tears of fallen angels:
green, insolent, bitter
dreams of visions yet to come,
dark chasms of loneliness
embraced by fetid vines and belladonna
behind the mire,
the glimmer and glitter of nevermind
slithered from my fingers
to remind me
that tomorrow would be
another page
ptkh 040117